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Jonatan Ivanov
Jonatan Ivanov

Staff Software Engineer - Spring Engineering Team at Broadcom

Jonatan Ivanov is an enthusiastic Software Engineer, member of the Spring Engineering Team, maintainer of Micrometer, one of the leaders of the Seattle Java User Group, speaker, author, certified dragon trainer. He has hands-on experience in developing and shipping innovative, production-ready software for industry-leader companies. He likes Distributed Systems, Production, Open Source, Math, Linux, Cloud environments; he is passionate about the Java Ecosystem and the Java Community. He is an Open Source contributor, writes a “develotters”-focused blog (https://develotters.com), sometimes can be found on Twitter(@jonatan_ivanov) and in the Seattle area.

Enterprise Cloud

A Million Ways to Fail in Production: Embracing Catastrophes for Fun and Profit

In this talk, we will discuss some of the most common ways software fails and some of the most creative and unusual failures we have seen over the years. We will dive into the unpredictable world of production and the countless ways failures can turn your peaceful digital ecosystem into a circus of errors. We will provide valuable lessons, tips, and advice so you can avoid the same pitfalls we have fallen into, reduce the risks, or fail confidently. This talk is for anyone who has ever worked in production or plans to do so: Software Engineers, DevOps, QA, and anyone responsible for deploying and maintaining software. If you have ever brought down prod or are afraid of it, this talk is for you. Please join us and learn from our mistakes so you don't have to make them yourself.

September 24-26, 2024
Dallas, TX Courtyard Dallas Allen


A community Java conference is coming to Dallas!
A three day event diving deep with experts from across the Java and Cloud ecosystem.

5 Tracks 50+ sessions 5 workshops

A premium Java, Cloud and Big Data conference at a community conference price!

Expert speakers including Java Champions, community contributors & open source commiters

Lots of opportunities to network with speakers and attendees!

JConf.dev attendees

Choose your ticket

Ticket fee includes breakfast, lunch, snacks, drinks, conference reception, tshirts, and entry into our mega raffle prizes and more!

Individual Conference Pass

Conference Only - September 25-26

Individual Workshop/Conference Pass

Conference + Training - September 24-26

Group (5+) Conference Pass

Conference Only - September 25-26

Group (5+) Workshop/Conference Pass

Conference + Training - September 24-26


Tuesday, September 24

Wednesday, September 25

TimeRoom 1Room 2Room 3Room 4Room 5
8:00 AM

Registration & Breakfast

9:00 AM

Code Review, you said?

Venkat Subramaniam
10:00 AM

Trash Talk - Exploring the memory management in the JVM

Gerrit Grunwald

Clean code, is it really worth it? A story of monsters, heroes and victories

Jonathan Vila

Building a custom AI chatbot with Spring Boot, React, and LangChain4j

Marcus Hellberg

Are Your Microservices Small Balls of Mud?

Hugh McKee

Building data pipelines with open source

Rustam Mehmandarov
11:00 AM

Morning Break

11:30 AM

To Java 22 and Beyond!

Billy Korando

Apache Maven 4 is Awesome

Chandra Guntur

Codebase Resurrection: Revive and Refactor with AI

David Parry

Troubleshooting, Monitoring and Profiling with Java Flight Recorder, Mission Control and Cryostat

Jeremy Davis

Developer’s Guide to Test-Driven Development and Approval Testing

Burk Hufnagel
12:30 AM


1:30 PM

Hidden security features of the JVM - everything you didn’t know and more

Steve Poole

Harmony in Innovation: Building Stronger Engineer-Product Relationships

Erin Geoghan

Gen AI for Java developers – one step at a time

Rich HagartyDana Price

The Wild West…East, North and South: Multi-Region Java Apps in the Cloud

Denis Magda

Erin S session TBD

2:30 PM

Afternoon Break

3:00 PM

Java cloud-native shoot-out: InstantOn vs CRaC vs Native Image

Rich Hagarty

Coding Fast and Slow: Applying Kahneman's Insights to Improve Development Practices and Efficiency

Baruch Sadogursky

Spring into AI: Building Intelligent Applications with Spring AI

Dan Vega

Navigating the Observability Landscape: From Serverful to Serverless with OpenTelemetry Journey

Daniel Oh

One Does Not Simply Query a Stream

Viktor Gamov
4:00 PM

Craft Fully Open Imperative and Reactive Cloud-Native Microservices

Emily Jiang

The Unseen Script: Documentation in Software Engineering

Valerie Gurka

Pass or Play: What does GenAI mean for the Java developer?

Jennifer Reif

Death to the Monolith

Cody Frenzel

Venkat session TBD

5:00 PM

Moving Java Forward Together

Sharat Chander
5:30 PM

Conference Reception

Thursday, September 26

2024 Workshops

Full-day, deep dive, hands-on workshops

Get a full day of training on these topics from industry experts!

Choose your ticket

Ticket fee includes breakfast, lunch, snacks, drinks, conference reception, tshirts, and entry into our mega raffle prizes and more!

Individual Conference Pass

Conference Only - September 25-26

Individual Workshop/Conference Pass

Conference + Training - September 24-26

Group (5+) Conference Pass

Conference Only - September 25-26

Group (5+) Workshop/Conference Pass

Conference + Training - September 24-26


JConf.dev 2024 sessions

Click to see speaker and session details


  • January 1

    2024 Kickoff

    Call for Papers, Early Bird tickets sales (first 100 only, then prices +$100), sponsor sales, scholarship program all open

  • January 31

    CFP Close

    CFP Closes

  • March 1

    Speakers Announced!

    Speakers announced, regular ticket sales

  • July 1

    Late ticket sales

    Late ticket sales, order now to get a swanky badge and tshirt

  • September 24

    Workshop day!

    JConf.dev 2024 starts with workshop day

  • September 25

    The big show!

    JConf.dev 2024 begins!

JConf.dev 2024 team


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